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Random quotes about being an Artist/Creative Designer

  • Art reminds me of where I came from
  • I was an artist before this life time
  • If my Art doesn’t reach the entire planet I will Die!
  • On a mission to create as much as possible
  • If I won the lottery I will probably keep painting
  • I’m glad someone else is the politician
  • Being an Artist can be lonely and depressed because let’s we spend so much time isolated else we can’t concentrate.
  • Headphones are essential as Photoshop
  • Make way for new Artist, we are coming with force
  • You need me as much as I need you
  • I thank those whole serve me and who’s job I don’t have to do, which has allowed me to do what I do
  • I’m glad I’m not the only artist else it will be boring
  • Sometimes I can’t sleep thinking of all the ideas I have in my mind
  • Sometimes I dare not to imagine some stuff I can create for fear that somewhere in the universe it might actually exist
  • Not all my ideas and imagination are of my own, but of many souls who have passed and push thoughts in to my mind
  • Why wait until your old and retired to create art when you can do it now
  • I have rarely starve as am artist, you can do it just as I have
  • I’ll probably be famous when I’m Dead
  • I’m here to Record history and have fun doing it
  • The only saving you need is from yourself
  • We can get in the zone easily
  • I’m here to be Inspired and Inspire others
  • Why so serious?
  • Lighten up
  • I’m still learning, I’m human
  • You will not die if it’s not your time
  • Anyone can learn to draw but it just might take you a few life times to reach beast mode but hey who saids you only have one shot at it. Don’t worry
  • Bullied, abandoned, rejected, neglected, saddened. Just the right ingredients for a great Artist

Quotes From other Artist around the World that are equally Awesome!

  • The World without Art is just Eh
  • Doubt will slow you down. – Gary Vee
  • Art is Life
  • You are the Artist and the Art
  • Art is my life and my life is Art
  • An Artist can never stop being one
  • We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are
  • The creative adult is a child who survived
  • What’s bad for your heart is good for your Art
  • Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it
  • Creativity takes courage
  • Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life
  • Art is journey of a free soul
  • Every Artist was first an amateur
  • I feel there is nothing more artistic than loving people
  • Art is anything you can get away with
  • Art is not what you see, but what you make others see
  • Art is Never finished, only abandoned
  • How difficult it is to be simple
  • Every great Artist has a closet of bad paintings
  • Don’t look back. You’re not going that way
  • Imagination is more important than knowledge
  • There are no rules to creativity
  • Home Is Where The Heart Is
  • Why Fit In When You Were Born To Standout!
  • Create The Things You Wished Existed
  • Broken Crayons Still Color
  • These are my creations which I am pleased.
  • Art comes from outside the mind, the mind is just a tool
  • The planet needs Art
  • If you have the slightest hint of being an artist, then it’s your obligation and duty to be one!
  • Just an Artist recording History, it’s what we do
  • For Everyone
  • For The Good Of All
  • For The Greater Good
  • The World is my canvas
  • You can’t create and hate at the same time. – Grant Cardone
  • You will not die if it’s not your time
  • I’m still learning, I’m human
  • Art reminds me of where I came from
  • I was an artist before this life time
  • I’m Here to Create
  • Art Is like Drugs, It’s Addictive
  • You don’t have to understand my Art
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